13 Jan

At Unsplash, we’re big believers in the open photography movement. We think that creative expression should be accessible to everyone, not just to those who can afford professional tools and equipment. Which is one of the reasons that we find the mobile photography movement so exciting. As our smartphones and tablets continue to improve and become our go-to creative companions, we’re seeing more people than ever working to democratize creativity and push the boundaries of what’s possible with photography.

Before the days of smartphones — if you can remember such a time — taking a great photo was a labor-intensive process. You'd have to buy a fancy camera and editing software for your desktop computer, and invest some serious time and energy into learning how to use them. But, thanks to our mobile devices and the editing apps that come with them, we can now take high-quality photos and edit them without too many bells and whistles — all from the same device that we use to make calls. 

At its best, mobile photography represents accessibility, ease and spontaneity. And with the technology continuing to advance, it’s becoming easier than ever to pick up your phone and take pretty amazing pictures. For instance, Marcus tells us,“My favourite shots on mobile are the ones that make people think ‘you shot this with a smartphone, no way!?’.” Plus, you can now upload your latest shots straight to your Unsplash profile with a few quick taps using the ISO app.And while your smartphone won’t be replacing a conventional camera any time soon — Mika reminds us that “it’s not the technology inside the camera, but the beauty outside that matters most.” So you don’t have a fancy camera? Don’t let that stop you from going out and experimenting with photography.

Thank you for sharing your time with me. I hope you learned something that you can take with you wherever you find yourself. Feel free to ask questions in the comments area below. I’d be happy to help in any way I can. If you have some favorite cell phone photos you’ve taken (or some handy accessories you use) please share them with us as well!

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